Prepping for yesterday's half marathon, I had a lot on my mind. Had I logged enough mileage? Had I tapered too much in the last couple of weeks? How was I going to deal with keys/wallet/phone as well as getting home from the finish line? And of course, what was I going to eat before the race?
The night before, we headed for Emmy's Spaghetti Shack for a delicious and heaping plate of spaghetti and meatballs. We were so hungry by the time we finally sat down that when the plates arrived, silence reigned at the table until we had had our fill. Long wait, but so worth it for those amazingly carb-loaded bites.
On race day itself, I woke up early and made a steaming bowl of oatmeal with fresh blueberries ... and a glass of cranberry Emergen-C in an effort to get, and stay, hydrated.
Little did I imagine I would be dragging down the Great Highway in 80 degree weather just a couple of hours later! In addition to taking advantage of the many water/electrolyte stations, during the race I enjoyed a couple
Sharkies for some additional fuel. The good news was, I made it, and in almost exactly the same time as my first (ahem, only other) half marathon. There were moments of feeling really strong, and moments of feeling pretty weak, but I guess that's what the whole experience is about! I wish I had turned in a little faster time ... but I have a few more months of training to improve.
Yesterday's gorgeous weather was probably best enjoyed at the beach. But, I was proud of my morning endeavour and it made the Superbowl beers taste that much better in the afternoon!